Warning: These videos are intended for current/past clients or anyone I have worked with. It is assumed that you have already done the exercises/drills at least once with me. Some instructions, phrases, or cues may sound vague or out of context because they are more of a review than introduction. As a reminder, please consult your physician before beginning any new exercise or diet program.
Wall Y SlidesPromotes Scapular Upward Rotation, Posterior Tilt, Retraction, and Serratus Activation
Cat Camel Mobility DrillT and Lumbar Spine Mobility
T Spine Rotation Mobility DrillGreat for any day and decreases your chances of pulling your lower back
Pull Combo 1Try this at the gym if possible, replace pullups/rows with bars/trx/dumbbells as needed
Birddog ProgressionsJust as important as the deadbug. If you find your pelvis tilting alot, try rolling out your glutes/piriformis
Deadbug ProgressionsYou really ought to do these every day. Good for back/knee pain, squatting, and toe touches.
Around The WorldGood for metabolic/coordination days
Lunge and Rotate with ReachOur Usual Warmup Drill
AdductorsClose relationship with the IT Band for Knee problems
HamstringsVery problematic muscle
GlutesMedius and Piriformis
SMR Pec MinorIf you sit at a desk alot, this one critical, and it's gonna hurt
SMR LatsGood for upper body days, usually improves shoulder flexion by tons
Smr Quad (Rec Fem)Along with the IT band, can have a big influence on knee pain
SMR CalvesDon't forget to breathe
Forearm extensors release